
The MMEHR specific products Open online Course "Human Resources multicultural recognition and evaluation 4.0" and Learning kit of MOOC didactic contents will:

  1. Create awareness among students and trainers on the possibility of acquiring ICT skills in order to teach and study multicultural 4.0 techniques related to HR recognition/management/evaluation, in compliance with the strategic paths indicated in the definition of Industry 4.0 ('smart factories').
  2. Create a multidisciplinary, real life problem-based educational curriculum for trainers and students, involving the sector of Human Resources recognition/management; identifying training needs and transversal skills required for developing high level multicultural skills and competencies.
  3. Share educational content related to HR professionals (Train the Trainers courses) for learning and teaching using OERs; supporting the implementation of the 2013 Communication on Opening Up Education through the promotion and development of new modes of delivery, in particular through new forms of personalized learning and strategic use of OERs.
  4. Contribute to the necessary reforms related to the 2011 EU Modernisation Agenda enhancing lifelong learning via the creation of flexible learning paths, developing ways to increase the rate and quality of employability.