Multiculturalism & multidimension: the key competences of a 4.0 HR manager

MMEHR #Erasmusdays

The MMEHR project participates to the #eramusdays initiative with an event organized by the coordinator of the project University of Naples Federico II.

The event will take place in Naples on 15 October 2020, starting at 11 (CEST) and will include the presentation of the educational offer of the Department of Political Science of University of Naples Federico II, with a special focus on the EU citizenship and cooperation intiatives of the Department, of the E+ student mobility implemented.

Core topic will be the presentation of the innovative outputs of the project 2019-1-IT02-KA203-062980 MMEHR Multidimensional and Multicultural Expertise of Human Resources Professionals, with the participation of the partners from Germany, Greece, Romania, Turkey.

The event will also include Erasmus+ students’ story telling and live interactions with participants.

Pre-registration is required.